Sunday, August 3, 2008

I left camp yesterday

and it's a really hard place to describe to someone who has never been there. When I first went there a few years ago I had this view of all adults (or at least teachers) over 25 being dull, uptight, humorless losers. When I went to AICL I noticed of the teachers and counselors were funnier and cooler than I am. I actually had fun learning stuff, I wasn't being force-fed stuff I would forgot jerking off the week after finals. They actually cared about what they were teaching and they actually wanted to affect the way people thought about things. Seeing someone like Josh Bathe have some of the ideals he has and being the person he is really shows what that camp can do to someone. The people I met there are cool as hell too and are the reason I go.

It was my last year andI feel a little cheated. I went for the full 2 weeks in 2005 and had tons of fun, i went for the second week in 2006 and left early because my girlfriend told me she killed herself, when she really had no intention of doing so and was just being a hormonal self-centered bitch. In 2007, E&H dicked over camp and it didn't happen and this year was a transition year. Excluding Anela those aren't really anyones fault but it's still aggravating nonetheless.

People tell me the junior counselor experience was pretty hard this year and it doesn't take a genius to figure out how different it was than in years past, I'm hopefully doing that next year but I don't know what to expect.

Some shit happened when I got back that'll provide for a rant about the Jacksonville punk scene that's stuck in 1984 when I get the energy. I'm sick this unity shit. Nothing in punk has ever disenfranchised me more than when the 30 year old balding fat punx asked me for beer money because his mom didn't give him his allowance that week. That really sums up the scene perfectly.

Also, I'm going to post the fluid versions of the last two songs I posted soon. I finished them and started a new one on my way home.

1 comment:

wwc said...

You see Tony, my main motivating factor is to try to remain funnier and cooler than you. I admit it gets difficult as the years go by and my mom cuts of my beer allowance. JCs have a different experience every year. This year was also different but no harder than mine I think. No one had to work the snack bar. But it is always a position for the persecuted.