Friday, September 26, 2008

John McCain's achilles heel in the debate

seemed to be Kissinger. I loved how his reaction to Obama saying he 'agreed with Bush 90% of the time, including his policies that increased our spending over the last 8 years' was his usual "listen, the American people know I'm not miss congeniality. I'm a Maverick gosh darnit!" bit. Slogans aren't exactly the best foundation for your debate.

While McCain was overly aggressive Obama didn't seem to be aggressive enough, letting McCain drive the "He doesn't understand" line a little far and missing a few opportunities to rip open McCain. They both seemed unprepared. Going to washington was a bad move, but I think Obama came out on top.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

And I thought McCain couldn't come up with anything that could backfire more than Palin

^Letterman is pretty merciless here. Hilarious, but merciless. I'm glad. I don't think McCain is stalling like everyone else thinks he is, the debate's on foreign policy anyway and he had all the time in the world for that. I think he was just trying to make himself seem noble and seem like he's putting the country before himself, and it really came out on the bad end. Bringing all the stress of a presidential campaign to a Bill that NEEDS to be changed soon and is under a lot of pressure already isn't what's best for the country, especially with his lack of knowledge (I feel like I know more about economics than him. That's bad.) on the subject.

PS, Olbermann filling in for McCain was absolute genius. I might start watching Letterman because of that.

EDIT: Maybe he is stalling. The proposed date for the debate would take the place of the VP Debate.

I can't blame him. Something tells me if a Biden-Palin debate occurs, Palin would look like a hypocrite on her rape kit position... I couldn't resist.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tony's biggest problem with the bailout

Before we start calling Paulson's plan Socialism for the rich, addressing the lack in oversight, putting some more regulations to it and all the other flaws in it: Shouldn't we worry whether we can afford it or not? It's gonna cost a minimum 700 billion dollars, I've heard estimates up to 1.5 trillion dollars. We have 800 billion dollars in the federal reserve and SS is almost completely gone.

Where is the money gonna come from? I don't see us taking any foreign loans and we'll have to print a lot of money, so the dollar is going to be worth as much as the peso. If we don't intervene though, people are saying we'll be in a recession. It seems like a lose-lose situation.

I didn't give two shits about the economy until two weeks ago, so this could seem like unintelligible babble. I've read so many different opinions on what would happen if we didn't bail out the banks that it's hard for me to see if the concern the economy will collapse is valid or not. I should take an econ class.

Who says I don't do anything productive?

I sent out some emails for my podcast a couple weeks ago and finally got some replies. Our first guest is METAL MIKE! I have some west coast punk related questions for him but I'm not gonna focus too much on the Angry Samoans. His big thing right now is putting some definition to Heavy Metal... and everybody assumed he was a crazy old man spouting crazy shit for awhile, but some editor from rolling stone and those vh1 documentaries gave him some recognition for it. I haven't heard too much about the review he coined it in, or what made him think of calling Humble Pie heavy metal, so that should be interesting.

Our second guest is some shitty youtube sensation that Raechel (my partner) is obsessed with. They're mostly shock humor. The only video I saw of them was them asking old ladies if they like giving head at a gas station. Eh, she's controlling all the technical stuff so I gotta give and take some.

Which reminds me: her recording equipment crapped out. My dream of becoming the radio Lester Bangs is suspended until she gets her stuff (she didn't really specify what was broken, and I don't really know what we're using anyway so it doesn't matter) fixed. I'm gonna give her about a week until i start getting up her ass about it though. And David, if you read this, there are no metaphors in this paragraph.

I started writing a book. The premise is a terrorist attack occurring in the continental United States, causing the country to swing to the right in fear and elect McCain. McCain croaks the day after he's inaugurated and Palin becomes president. The country becomes more and more backwards and they eventually start preaching fear/paranoia-based rhetoric in elementary schools. A group of fifth graders eventually start go insane from it, get their hands on really powerful recreational drugs, and massacre their town. The right-wing government gives them the death penalty and blames their behavior on pop culture and drugs, and ignores what drove them to do this. The protagonist is their principal who really gets into the gubment's bullshit and realizes what he had being doing at the end of the novel, at which point the 5th graders kill him.

I wrote the intro chapter (i wrote a bunch of paragraphs in about an hour and spent the next week editing them. That's how I see myself doing the rest of the book.) and i'm writing the ending next, that's something I do with essays and I figure it's a good guide for the body chapters but it might be a little creatively constricting. If I make it really vague that still gives me something to work towards and some flexibility as well. The main theme seems a little cliche too, I don't wanna seem like another left-wing nut, so there's some work there to be done.

Those last 2 paragraphs are probably really incoherent. 4 am is a bad time to blog. I wonder if I'll even remember I was writing a book in a month.

PS, St. Johns county schools are still a goddamn bureaucracy.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I forgot why I started this

And I was reminded when my harddrive where I backed all my songs up crashed. I think I said something about posting the finished versions of these awhile back.

Punk rock, who wants some filthy lucre
I got a proposition to put the world in a stupor
I know you guys don’t have any talent
That’ll just help us piss off more and more parents

Forget about music, even forget about writing the songs
Just piss off the media, propaganda can’t go wrong
Wait a minute, punk rock has no standards, oh boohoo
I guess we got our work cut out for us, Malcolm MacLaren to the rescue!

chorus: the sex pistols ‘changed’ music
And they did it Malcolm’s way, they did it Malcolm’s way
They needed some money for junk, they jerked him off and call it punk
They are the sons of ahhhhhhhhhhnarchay

They did it Malcolm’s way, yeah did it Malcolm’s way
They’re the kings of punk, narcissists on junk
And now they’re in the rock n roll hall of fame



(over verse, pm‘d) "excuse me, do you think my bondage trousers look smashing today?"
"yes, they look absolutely delightful!"
"and my 60 dollar hairdresser Carnaby Street orange spikey haircut?"
"yes, It’s totally gay"

Jonni Rotten where’s your sense of humor?
always whining and whining I hope you get a brain tumor
Pistols’ keeps saying they don’t give a shit
So why do they keep bitching ‘bout the rich?

Fuck authority, fuck the queen
We’re only saying that to get some green
Malcolm, Malcolm, lead us there
The future of punk lies in my orange hair

*repeat chorus/

I've finally found a way to balance the amount silliness/degradation in expressing my hatred for Jonni Rotten. I don't really have anything against them other than the fact that the media only took shots at them for being vulgar when they were really one giant publicity stunt. The up da p0nx jagoffs don't bother me too much anymore. after getting the guitar parts for this it's probably the most complicated song I've written, which basically means it's the first non 3-chord punk song, so it's not that hard ha:

Verse: Some people ask me, Is my life happy
I got psychotic tendency’s
Can a girl really change everything

No more resent, my loneliness is dormant
My troubles gone and my heart spent
Nothing could go wrong with me

Verse 2: But when I got home, I thought I’d find you alone
Yeah girl you know you are my one and only
And I saw that car in the driveway

Oh baby, I say it’s crazy
My mind is hazy
Walking home to you and him

Pre-chorus: And All I know is that I’m tired of knowing
My heart’s now as empty as your head
and bitch I lied, I still know something
It’s the end of you, me and him

Chorus: Murder
homicide and suicide, homicide and suicide
Nobody wanted this but me(x2)

When did I become so boring
Oh, I’m so boring
Oh, I’m so boring
Oh, I’m so boring to you (x2)

Wah. Wah wah wah wah. Wah wah wah wah. Wah wah wah, wahhhhhh wahhhhhhh, wahhhhhhh, wahhhhhhhh

Verse: argue, and I’d say fuck you
I used to love you
Hey, I still do every now and then

Conflicting emotions, homicidal notions
There’s a commotion brewing inside of my head

Verse 2: You say you’re sorry, you ask for sympathy
Girl you know there’s no quarter
In a heart that’s been ripped to shreds

*repeat chorus*

Verse: the morning, it’s always so boring
it’s so annoying
When you talk at 6 am

But today, when I did awake
You had nothing left to say

Flashbacks, I see all the facts
My mind, it retracts
And the guilt is overwhelming me

Verse 2: Police, Parents and biased juries
Will all come after me
They ain’t gonna get me as long I live

*repeat chorus*

And I started writing a love song to the tune of dance with me-lords of the new church.

This was a revolution, baby
But we seem to have forgotten the cause
I got myself a brand new mission
Ain’t this just a great place to start

Stop carrying the weight of the world on your cold shoulders
Listen to me just relax
The world was turning, it’ll soon be burning
We only have the time to take it fast

Chorus: so sing along with me
This love song will damn you for all eternity
Won’t you follow me
We’ll take this love song to the streets

I'll do the second verse later.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Queers have a better show

and Joe isn't an egotistical prick. I don't get the weaselheads sometimes.

I might be doing a radio show if my friend ever fixes her equipment. *restrains from joke*

St John's county schools are all a goddamn bureaucracy.

I don't have anything insightful to say tonight.