Thursday, October 2, 2008

Palin held her head above water

but still lost. I imagine McCain's staff thought something along the lines of "We cannot let this bimbo speak on her own after this" after the Couric interview and gave her a bunch of rhetoric and talking points to stick to. She mentioned very little fact or detail and stuck to these, almost like she was giving a speech rather than debating. Still, that's all she needed to do. Reverse her image she got last week and become a non factor in the election.

No excuse for her reaction to Biden nearly crying talking about his wife and daughters. She seemed oblivious to the fact that someone losing half of their family is something she should acknowledge and went straight to her "but we're mavericks!" line. It makes you wonder if Biden had the Rove machine on his side how this would be perceived in the press tomorrow. I'm guessing Kerry's lesbo commentx982389288238923.

Biden did a good job of not coming off as an asshole and getting his point across. I suspect Palin's approval rating will level out by the time the media plays the highlights of the debates. I doubt the average voter watches debates let alone VP debates. In a way, not being a punchline for SNL makes her the winner, even though Biden did a much better job in the debate.

And while I half watched the debate, I half watched the Cubs basically die. Ugh.